Ember url params from parent route

Today while I was working with Ember, I discovered that a child route, which had a dynamic url, needed access to the parent routes dynamic url segment. I had tried to do this once before without success. However, today I thought I would try this again and found this awesome StackOverflow question. The solution I found most interesting was the answer from codefox421. His solution is below and allowed me access to the parent object id from the url which is exactly what I wanted.

// app/router.js
App.Router.map(function () {
  this.route('dimensions', function() {
    this.route('dimension', { path: ':dimension_id'}, function () {
      this.route('value', { path: 'values/:value_id' });
// app/routes/dimensions/dimension/value.js
export default Ember.Route.extend({
  model: function(params, transition) {
    var dimension_id = transition.params.dimension.dimension_id;
    // do whatever you need with dimension_id and params.value_id


I am uncertain of the original version of Ember for the above (previously working) examples. As of Ember 2.10.2, I was able to get this working with the following modifications.

// app/routes/dimensions/dimension/value.js
export default Ember.Route.extend({
  model: function(params, transition) {
    var dimension_id = transition.params["dimensions.dimension"].dimension_id;
    // do whatever you need with dimension_id and params.value_id

I also put together a full example app. Run the following:

git clone https://github.com/williamsbdev/ember-nested-route-params.git
cd ember-nested-route-params
npm install
bower install
ember s

Once all the that is done, navigate to http://localhost:4200/dimensions/1/value/1 with the console window open and you will get the output that you are seeking.

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