Overriding Ember Addons

Ember Addons are a great part of the Ember ecosystem. They allow for some great extensibility. However, there are times when you want to change the functionality/default configuration the addon provides. Let’s take the following example:

// some-addon/app/initializers/some-initializer.js

import addonInitializer from 'some-addon/initializers/addon-initializer';

export default {
    name: 'some-addon-initializer',
    initializer: addonInitializer

If you notice, the some-addon placed this initializer in the app/initializers folder of the addon. This means that the file will get merged into the app where it’s included. This is very handy as you will have the initializer by default. This is fine until you need to change the functionality of the initializer just ever so slightly.

In order to override the initializer, all we have to do in our host app is create a file in app/initializers named some-initializer.js like below:

// your-app/app/initializers/some-initializer.js

var addonInitializer = function() {
  // your custom code here to override addon-initializer

export default {
    name: 'some-addon-initializer',
    initializer: addonInitializer

This goes for any file that is in the app/ of an addon. If you create a file with the same name in your app, you will override the addon and have complete control. Here is a great stackoverflow Q/A about doing this.

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